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Sensorium Galaxy Digital Metaverse

Digital entertainment has never been more real. Enter the metaverse and free yourself from earthly limitations. Meet new people and engage in out-of-this-world VR experiences.

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Build yourself from scratch

Discover new worlds where millions of people live out their fantasies. Reinvent yourself in a place where you can be whoever you want to be

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Jay-Z’s TIDAL, David Guetta, Carl Cox, Sergey Polunin, and many others have already joined the VR revolution. It’s your turn!

Set your imagination free

Follow the lead of world-famous artists and create your own shows. Host dance performances, play DJ sets, and make them stand out!

Meet the worlds of endless celebration

Whether is a song, dance, or masterclass, Sensorium Galaxy has a place for it. The content that you enjoy the most, available anytime, anywhere.


This eye-catching land mutates under the influence of sound frequencies. The futuristic concert venue built at the center of this world welcomes artists and visitors to take part in electronic music shows of a galactic scale.

David Guetta, Carl Cox, and Armin Van Buuren are some of the DJs featured at PRISM.

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David Guetta

“Sensorium is taking the entertainment industry to the next level so I’m really excited to come aboard! VR lets us create a new form of art, a next-level experience that goes way beyond just watching a show on a screen. Prepare to have your minds blown!”


At the core of Sensorium Galaxy, an underwater world is reigned by immortal aliens known as Omojas. MOTION is home to dance marathons and professional performances. A place where movement is the key to survival and a source of power that reinvigorates the mind and spirit.

New worlds coming soon

We’re bridging the gap between real and virtual

Pioneering in AAA graphics for VR spaces

Sensorium Galaxy moves aside from standard cartoonish avatars used by most VR players. Our platform uses Unreal Engine 4 to generate ultra-realistic characters and virtual environments.

Delivering best-in-class 3D avatars

Our platform captures the complexity of human beings by providing a wide range of pre-set avatars and hundreds of different add-ons, including stunning clothing items and special visual effects.

Leveraging AI to make you digitally immortal

Artificial intelligence allows SG avatars to learn from their users to become more accurate virtual representations. Within weeks, avatars can operate autonomously, meeting people based on your preferences, and engaging in new experiences.

Taking dating far beyond this universe

The worlds of the Sensorium Galaxy are also home to a wide range of AI-powered non-player characters. Real users can meet, date, and interact with them at all times. AI technology makes NPCs highly realistic and allows them to dynamically adapt to user preferences to become their “ideal virtual companions” overtime.

Accessible in every possible way

Immersive on every platform

Buy & customize avatars.

Get tickets to events and upgrade your account

Mobile app

Chat with your avatar

Play mini games

Watch event streams

Desktop app

Explore Sensorium Galaxy

Meet other users & celebrities

Attend special events and access on-demand content

Date users & NPCs

VR headset

Immerse yourself into the worlds of Sensorium Galaxy

Unlock deeper interactions with the environment and users

Become an active participant of all virtual events

Access the full list of VR games

Create your own dance performance & music shows


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